Profitability Considerations of Extrusion
September 13, 2023
Creating a successful return on investment (ROI) in an Insta-Pro ExPress® soybean extrusion plant involves careful planning, thorough analysis, and effective management. Here are some steps and considerations…
Author: Adam Sackett
Overcoming Inflating Ingredients Prices
June 21, 2023
As Global Product Director of Insta-Pro International, I am always tracking costs of equipment and ingredients all over the world. Currently, many markets are facing the issue of…
Author: Adam Sackett
Cut Diet Costs by Using ExPress® Soymeal in Swine Grower Diets
May 31, 2023
As we have seen in several previous blogs, ExPress® Soymeal is a nutrient dense, highly digestible ingredient that leads to improved animal performance compared to conventional solvent-extracted soybean…
Author: Adam Sackett
Potential Reduced Cost of Swine Diets with ExPress® Soy Meal
May 10, 2023
Production costs associated with feeding in swine operations are very high, as energy is the most expensive component of the diet. Therefore, maximizing the efficiency of the nutrients…
Author: Janeth Colina
Using High-Shear Dry Extrusion to Liberate Calories: Processing Energy for Ingredient Energy
May 3, 2023
The use of high-shear dry extrusion – a technique developed, improved upon, and expanded around the world over decades, by Insta-Pro International – hinges upon a few basic…
Author: Dave Albin
Soy Protein Processing for Plant-Based Foods
April 19, 2023
Demand for quality plant-based proteins is being driven by consumers desire for more sustainable and nutritious food. According to a recent Bloomberg projection, plant-based proteins could make up…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Get Prepared Now For 2021
July 23, 2020
This year has been an anomaly, to say the least, and some businesses are playing defense just to keep the doors open. The good thing about our industry,…
Author: Adam Sackett
June 25, 2020
The amino acids contained in dietary proteins are essential nutrients. Without them, humans and animals don’t last long. While required for life, it’s also important to have balanced…
Author: Dave Albin
April 2, 2020
We’ve covered in past blogs the challenging harvest conditions for grains and oilseeds in several parts of North America during harvest 2018. The increased likelihood of damage when…
Author: Dave Albin