Stabilized Rice Bran: An Economical & Nutritional Ingredient for Poultry
January 31, 2024
Rice is cultivated on every continent of the world except Antarctica. In total, there are more than 100 countries that produce rice. Before rice becomes shiny edible rice…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Stabilized Rice Bran in Antibiotic-Free Diets
November 16, 2022
Consumers are basing their purchasing decisions on how the meat, milk, and eggs are raised. With more consumers and animal advocacy organizations pushing to reduce – or eliminate…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Global Rice Bran Markets
November 9, 2022
In previous blogs, we discussed the process and benefits of extruded rice bran and how extrusion improves digestibility of rice bran in broilers. Today I will review the…
Author: Adam Sackett
Stabilized Rice Bran: Innovative Ingredients Processed with High-Shear Dry Extrusion
November 2, 2022
High-shear dry extrusion has been used for decades to sterilize and stabilize various by-products and create value-added ingredients for both the feed and food industries. Rice bran is…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Is Silicon an Essential Nutrient? Implications for Processing
October 10, 2019
It’s well known that dozens of nutrients are essential for health and well-being. Deficiency symptoms of many nutrients have been well-documented over the years. The shocking outcomes of…
Author: Dave Albin
Extruded Rice Bran Promotes Gut Health When Antibiotics Are Removed From Animal Diets
March 15, 2018
In order to meet consumer demand for antibiotic-free (ABF) protein, there has been a growing demand for antibiotic alternatives or natural feed additives to promote growth. Extruded stabilized…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
High Shear, Dry Extruded, Stabilized Rice Bran in Pet Diets
February 8, 2018
In my first blog on stabilized rice bran, I discussed its ability to be used in broiler diets with up to 12% inclusion, without negatively impacting growth and…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Stabilized Rice Bran: Economical and Nutritional Ingredient for Poultry and Swine Diets
November 9, 2017
As mentioned in our previous blog on rice bran, rice is cultivated in every continent of the world except Antarctica. In total, there are more than 100 countries…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
By Products – Stabilized Rice Bran
October 26, 2017
In previous blogs, we have discussed how our process for stabilizing rice bran is effective and efficient for feeding livestock and other applications, including food. When considering the…
Author: Belen Diaz Cisneros
Rice Bran Part 2: Extruded Rice Bran Can Help Replace Antibiotics in Animal Diets
January 19, 2017
I recently discussed the results of a study on our blog, and I reported the following: Extruded rice bran can be used to help improve performance in antibiotic-free…
Author: Dave Albin
Rice Bran Part 1: Extrusion Can Help Replace Antibiotics in Animal Diets
January 12, 2017
We often write about the changing landscape of food production, and what can help you during these transitions. One practice that we continually cover is antibiotic-free animal production…
Author: Dave Albin
Extrusion Not Only Stabilizes Rice Bran – It Makes It Better
April 21, 2016
In previous blogs, we’ve discussed how high shear, dry extrusion from Insta-Pro Intl can be used to stabilize rice bran. As Mayette Ramos, Sales Director for SE Asia,…
Author: Dave Albin